JB Mergelina boasts deep knowledge in full term managing estates, as well as offering temporary services, such as organizing and running specific hunting and shooting days.

JB Mergelina provides the best advice, sustained in its deep knowledge on all matters related to hunting and shooting estates management.

JB Mergelina Management

Differential facts


Transparent management

It is essential, as the owner of the estate must entrust the budget´s administration and his personal patrimony.

Exclusive personalized assistance

Focused on each client´s particular needs, with exclusive and personal commitment.


Unified criteria provides efficiency and cost savings. Furthermore, it is essential to implement an adequate resources and costs optimization policy.


No conflict of interest

Independence and lack of involvement in surveyors companies ensure the defense of the client´s interest only.

JB Mergelina boasts the most complete portfolio of hunting and shooting estates, and agriculture and cattle farms to be found in Spain.

It doesn´t matter if you are looking just for a pleasure estate or if you demand balanced figures farmlands: we have the perfect estate for you.

JB Mergelina Real Estate


Transparent handling


Exclusive assistance


Wide portfolio


All kind of farms and estates